A Steady Atmosphere..

Lowell, Percival
A steady atmosphere is essential to the study of planetary detail; size of instrument being a very secondary matter. A large instrument in poor air will not begin to show what a smaller one in good air will. When this is recognized, as it eventually will be, it will become the fashion to put up observatories where they can see rather than be seen.
Preface (p. v)


Berikut saya copykan penggalan dari tulisan George Ellery Hale (Bapaknya large telescopes) yang berhubungan dengan isi dari post kang anton :) Pertama kali saya baca pada file ppt mengenai generasi teleskop masa depan dan adaptive optics.

"The construction of a telescope of these dimensions was necessarily an experiment, for it was by no means certain, after the optical and mechanical difficulties had been overcome, that even the favorable atmosphere of California would be sufficiently tranquil to permit sharply defined celestial images to be obtained with so large an aperture. It is therefore important to learn what the telescope will actually accomplish under customary observing conditions."
Anton William said…
Hale emang pelobi ulung :P.

.. also under customary funding conditions.

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